Old Brown and The Weather.
The river runs deep through many parts,
One lower whole from numerous highers starts,
Its story is a long one and its' meaning is a strong one,
the moral being tell it well and never tell the wrong one.
Well told, drops that from the eyes begin,
whose paths might lead from cheek to chin,
a feeling brought from them within,
will fall and feed the flow below.
Their meaning spent now lost beneath,
Another source may never hold,
Trails dried up and tales forgot,
Should not the story more be told.
A soul these silent tears refill,
Their pathways joined and old tracks broken,
While the babblings of the brook
Become the reasons for them softly spoken.
The reservoir my heart contains,
If sluiced would swell the current strong,
When empty, rain from mists that form
Will help to wash the stream along.
In key my melody is wrong,
Yet still I wish to sing with throng,
No care in world, a sweet duet,
In harmony with Summer's song,
To flirt a twirl, as Old Brown flicks
A swirling comment from his tale,
As if to ask, in solemn tone,
Why he is stuck in liquid dale,
Meandering, and forced bereft
To navigate this lonely cleft,
Of female fold and mountain male,
'tween handsome hill and tempting vale.
The changing air as fast this night
Would surely sway a Hawk in flight,
A chance maybe to catch a Fly,
I may procure a lucky bite,
The Storm as mighty as it is,
Few fishermen would risk its plight,
I sense it come, Thor sounds a clap,
He'll cast his net this very night.
Beneath the level's skin in stillness,
Old Browns' empty belly rumbled,
Leaves were scattering above,
Large twigs flew and branches tumbled,
About the panick-stricken herd,
Young Bucks kicked in haste and stumbled,
Other members slipped and slid,
And on the banks for footing fumbled.
The howling wind, like lonesome Wolf
Could scare the bravest of the Deer,
But kept in Loch and trapped in wier,
No fork would spear Brown's shallow fear,
A legless Stag, says he, gains time to feed
When chance denies the sturdy Steer.
His practiced strike, he knew full well,
and Lo, approaching, Mjolnir.
No blow could shake his steady nerve,
Nor lightening strike reveal his lair,
Whilst dark and bubbling build of cloud,
No peer to challenge Him would dare.
"Deity shall beat me not! -
'a spell' so life to me endears...
So too, gives title, fort and tools,
That I may reign o'er land for years."
"Then break this shell",
He uttered meekly,
Old Brown being no magician.
"Lord above, with your permission,
I'd need to ease my souls attrition."
The book of time his dear plea heard
Its markings read from whence were written,
Records made of every turn,
Of saddest day and times when smitten,
With rising tide and Weather weeping,
Water splashed in final flail,
Thunder from the Heavens woken
Answered to a flash of scale,
Caught on wave with weary roll,
His old tails' tiredness more than doubled,
The galeing front now having passed,
And Old Brown too, no longer troubled.
By the time my spirit flies,
My body left between two states,
My heart will have apologised
For all of my unjust mistakes.
On lifes' journey much I tasted,
Oft' I took a welcome sip,
Shot the rapid to the pool
And swam through folded dark green lip,
Above my head were lovers boating,
Blossom breeze and Sea birds floating,
When I rise no more to sink,
I'll learn to swim where lovers think,
In all the places left in wake
Where Angels sailed on mirrored lake,
Tuning natures' bow we'll sing,
Eumenides and Seraphim.
A vast black cavern in Old's vision,
Opened out into the sky,
Shocked Old Brown did not have time
Or sense to reason how or why.
It's hugeness lit with starry map
Of Constellations bright and bold,
A like sight Brown had never seen,
Nor neither did before behold,
His coloured name, now Fawn was young,
It's history not yet been told,
A fin or gill he could not feel,
Her temperature not hot nor cold.
Set in motion to a tune
The orchestra now did revolve
And turning slowly like a wheel
The stars like fish, in shapes were shoaled.
Wakeing twixt found startled self,
In valley lush with fallow field,
In night air standing, glancing up,
Alive! and by its' Mother, cold.
Coat with spots like stars reminding,
Magically, her heir serene,
Of skies she'd watched when she'd been young
With half blue moon through veil unseen.
Reflecting now, on a branching past,
Under old tree's canopy,
A mother, of her life, at end,
What ever would become of She?
To sky of foal she wished if doe,
For darkened pools in deep brown eyes,
For antlers tall, and proud if Stag
Dramatic scenes to realise.
Bowing head to drink with grace,
She in the water dreamt a face,
Thinking that a fish, like deer,
Needs water to survive in here,
In mind again, this time with birds,
In flight, by glancing on the land,
Would giving notice, know her words,
Not that the fish would understand.

My Love A Cherry
My love a cherry, sweet of flesh, was grown round inner stone,
My heart a painted rocking horse, was left to be alone.
In time of need and plenty I stood firm to help it grow,
I offered welcome seat in times my rider did not want to know.
The market payed me sufference for every painful hour,
An insult for each compliment delivered with a flower,
For acting out of common sense it branded me insane,
So sofly gave I Barley fields, a breeze, and weather vane.
A Visit
Suddenly: No one knew who's foe was who's, nor friend, nor fiend, nor
beast nor witch
Nie' when or where or why or which, in magic whirlpool 'came betwixt.
If I dare raise my magic sticks, if they dare too and me they fool
Who then would gain to wield the rule - all happened in a sudden.
The glance received was quick as flash, the comment mentally - 'What trash
That enter here and 'peer' at me, to shudder my indemnity.
Ignore it then - it be my plan, and answer not the telegram
That penetrates through empty maze, arriving in her mind (in daze)
To doey eyes through perfect gaze, Not giving wink nor word of praise.
His reaction, calm and stayed, stolen heart with inner blaze.
'It be full moon - there will be others, I'll go home again for covers
I would rather we be lovers, still, the moon's to serenade.'
Visit me
Come, sweetest virgin; To me in the reign,
Sing of all our virtues, So to not complain -
In feathered slumber Together we will be again.
Bring you sweet virtue, Again to rest by my side.
Let's slump us down In love's repose And let the rest
So we may hug in our embrace And wipe all tears aside.

The Book